Certificate of Deposit & IRAs
In addition to our savings accounts, we offer Certificates of Deposit (CDs) with terms ranging from 3 – 60 months. To get started, pick the rate and term below and click Open Now or contact one of our Bankers today at 866.505.3736 or visit one of our banking locations.
3.50% APY*
4.00% APY*
3.25% APY*
4.29% APY*
3.71% APY*
3.25% APY*
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 03/27/2025 and may change at any time. A $1,000 minimum deposit required to open and earn the stated APY. Interest on CDs 12 months or less will be paid at maturity. Interest on CDs longer than 12 months will be paid annually. Penalty for early withdrawal will apply and may reduce the earnings on your account. Unless instructed otherwise, the CD will automatically renew for the same term at the current rate in effect at the time of renewal. CDs opened online have a maximum deposit limit of $500,000.
Individual Retirement Accounts
We offer a tax advantaged investment option for individuals with flexible options and terms.
- Educational Individual Retirement Accounts
- Traditional Individual Retirement Accounts
- Roth Individual Retirement Account
To get started, contact one of our Bankers today at 866.505.3736 or visit one of our banking locations.