Employee Information
Read below for important information regarding assistance available to UCB employees due to Hurricane Ida:
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas has established a hurricane recovery grant program to provide recovery assistance to help member banks’ employees who have suffered financial loss due to Hurricane Ida. Grants up to $3,000 are available for homeowners and renters residing in parishes designated for Individual Assistance by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and are intended to assist with reasonable and necessary expenses that are not otherwise covered by insurance or other reimbursement. The Hurricane Recovery Grant (HRG) funds will be available beginning September 27, 2021. Applications for the program will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
UCB must submit one consolidated application for all employee HRG Funding Requests. What does that mean? We have a firm deadline of Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 12:00 PM to obtain information from all employees who would like to apply for the grant. This will allow us the necessary time to enter all applicants’ information into the database in order for the bank to submit the application in a timely manner.
Program Requirements to qualify for the grant:
- UCB Employee households must reside in parishes designated for Individual Assistance by FEMA (All UCB employees do reside in parishes designed for Individual Assistance.)
- Have experienced a financial loss related to Hurricane Ida
- The Household Income must be at or below 125 percent of area median, adjusted by household size. (*See the attached “Area Median Income Guide” in the email notification for help in determining your household percentage.)
*If you are unsure if your household qualifies, I encourage you to send the information needed in order to submit the application. Someone will contact you directly if your household income puts you above the 125 percent of area median.
To submit your request complete the “Employee Application” attached in the email notification and email it to Abby Riche at Abby.Riche@ucbanking.com. This information will be kept strictly confidential. No late applications will be accepted.
If you have any questions, please get with Abby Riche, Lindsey Ocampo or Brenda Hebert.